“And if I could tell you one thing it would be:
you are never as broken as you think you are.
sure you have a couple of scars and a couple of bad memories,
but then again, all great heroes do"
- Charlotte Eriksson
I bring to our therapeutic relationship over 25 years of experience working with children, teens, adults and families. I have had the opportunity to work clinically in both residential and large outpatient settings, but I believe that my private practice is where I have truly had the greatest impact on clients.
As a therapist I am deeply invested in my clients’ unique stories. It is my goal to help them develop insight into the ways that their past and present intersect with their neurobiology while also uncovering the narrative they developed as a way to make sense of their experiences. This takes us to a space of understanding and connection which is often where change happens.
My style is open and honest. I probably talk more than some other therapists and I don’t believe that awkward silence or blank stares are helpful in this process. I bring my full self to our sessions so you feel like you are talking to a real person. It is in this context that clients are most likely to bring their own full self to the session as well. Once we have that established, it makes it much easier to talk about hard things. I use humor and a lot of analogies to help clients develop insight and find new ways to look at old problems.
Although therapy can’t magically fix things, it is helpful to have someone hold up a mirror to help you see what is there while simultaneously supporting you and always rooting for you.
Finally, I can't conclude an "about me" section without also adding that I am a wife and mother to 3 amazing humans.

Columbia University 1995
Masters in Social Work
Minor in Law
EMDR Certified 2017
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (license #: 006170) CT and FL
Mood disorders
Teens and young adults
Parenting and relationships